Sunday, April 25, 2010

Earth Day...Go Hug a Tree!

This week was a short but long week!

Behavior in the classroom has do I say this without being censored and bleeped out! HORRIBLE!! I could blame it on the changing weather, but I won't. I so wanted to request at my last Superintendent meeting for a velcro wall! I refrained, kept quiet, and just accepted the fact that it may be Spring Fever!

Earth Day was around the corner and so was our field trip to see Disney's Oceans. I really thought that would make them behave like perfect little angels...Bahaha! ~Yes, that's a huge laugh out loud! Some of these kids just don't care about any form of consequences. When is the paddle coming back to schools? I bet that would straighten them out! I got my booty smacked a few times or a chancla thrown and I turned out ok. Heehee! To my surprise I had 5, yes 5 parents request their child not attend our field trip because of their poor behavior at school and at home. Wow! Yay parents! Deep down I did feel bad because in the 12ish years I've been teaching I've never left that many behind for behavior. I was and still am very appreciative of the parents showing support with the behavior issues! ~Thank goodness! Let's hope this Earth Day is the start of a new day for my munchkins and not only did they learn about keeping their Earth clean but consequences suck if they don't behave!

The munchkins had a great Earth Day and we all went out to hug a tree! Our field trip turned out to be a great time too. The movie was great and they loved it.

This week is going to be a very long week! TAKS testing!! My munchkins don't get a TAKS test but our end of the year testing will be in a few weeks. ~Ugh! TAKS testing will be for 3 days which means total lockup for us! Most schools ship out the lower grades during TAKS just so they won't make noise. Well, we don't get that luxury and we stay in our classroom all day. No PE and no recess time after lunch for 3 days! ~Can you imagine! Oh Lord! I try to keep them with a normal schedule and during our PE time I either let them play some fun games or I pop in a movie. This year though, my student intern will be locked up with them! ~Poor girl! I've been asked to administer the TAKS test to 3 Dyslexia students! YIKES! ~I don't want to!!!!! The pressure I feel just to administer the test is crazy...can you imagine the pressure these poor babies go through when they take this awful test?!! ~Lord help them! The only reason I said yes was...well, not to piss off administration...haha! Actually, I said yes because two of the babies that I'll be administering the test to are two that I had for my K-2 loop and qualified as Dyslexic. I would do anything for those kids! Instead of having a stranger test them they asked me so they would feel comfortable. I have to swallow my selfishness of not wanting to do it and do it for them. I pray they pass!! Third grade gets only one shot this year!!! Pray all munchkins do well!
Stick around for more to come....
Oopsie....they're upside down! haha

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hippity Hoppity!

Last week was a nice and partially mellow 4 day week!

Amazing how we're already in April! Time seems to be racing! Well...sometimes it's on sloooow mode!

Last week the munchkins had a family project due during the week and surprisingly they all turned it in! Some parents are actually getting a little more creative! ~It's about time!! The only reason I think they all did one was because their child wouldn't be able to participate in the Easter Egg Hunt without it. Haha! They were to create their own Easter basket and the only rule was, it could not be store bought. They all did a great job! The three best baskets were given prizes and that was a plus for them to complete the project as well.

The winds were crazy during the week and we were worried it would ruin our egg hunt but luckily we scheduled it Thursday morning before the winds blew in. The munchkins were super excited for their egg hunt and it was the perfect carrot to dangle over them during the week if they didn't behave. ~Yes, I enjoyed dangling that carrot! I even had my new munchkins step-mom call to ask ~Is it true they won't have their egg hunt because they didn't behave because someone, how do I say, passed gas on the rug? ~What?!!! I almost died laughing! ~No they don't get in trouble for FARTING! I didn't say that but told her ~If they don't behave, yes, they will not be participating in the egg hunt. Then she started to tell me that there is something wrong with him, that he's not all there, used the term weird, and that his father is in denial. Hello?! ~I think you're weird!!! The term parent or step parent shouldn't be given out so freely. Just because they're labeled "parent" doesn't mean they are parents or know how to parent. She might be like Cinderella's step-mom! Eeek!!

Back to the fun stuff!...The Egg Hunt!
Each munchkin had to bring 12 eggs filled with wrapped candies and our volunteers hid them the morning of our hunt. The volunteers did a great job hiding them in the two jungle gym areas we have. I'm the loud mouth of the group, why I'm not sure, because I was always really shy! heehee! On my count all Kinder munchkins took off running and scurrying to get as many as they could. They were thrilled and yes we had a few tumbles and rolls! Eggs everywhere! It was such a sweet sight to see them so excited and looking through their goodies. They were dying to open and eat it!! Since we did the hunt early in the morning I now got to dangle their filled baskets in front of them during the rest of the day! ~Ahahaha! I know, I know...mean teacher! It worked though! They were little angels! Haha!

From here on out there aren't anymore breaks in the year. ~Drag!! Unless I take one myself and make it a long weekend down the line. Which I just might! ~Shhhhh no telling!!!
TAKS testing is coming up and I'll be pulled from my munchkins to test some students! Yikes!! Sad thing is Kinder will start their assessments also after TAKS. ~More testing...YUCK! We still have a lot of work to do and push these babies to be ready for 1st Grade. I haven't heard if I'll loop up to 1st with these munchkins or not so until then we still have a few adventures left! Stay tuned!