Sunday, August 29, 2010

Week 1...hmmm

Week 1 flew by and so did my weekend! Darn! ;)

My bubble was smashed this week! I was soooo excited to loop and poof! That bubble was popped in regards to looping up to 1st with my munchkins!! Whahhh! :( As I've mentioned before, looping is great when you move up with your entire class. Well, I got two more new munchkins this week. 9 new munchkins...ugh!! Almost half of my old babies moved so this left room for me to receive new munchkins. The new babies are very sweet but I'm starting from scratch with them! So much for picking up where we left off last year!! The one thing I'm having a hard time with is 3 of these babies are SOOOOOOO LOW!!! They should not be in 1st Grade! So many things popped in my head when I tested them...~Who the heck was your Kinder teacher? Where in the world did you go to Kinder? Do your parents realize how low you are? Ahhhhhh!!!

Frustration set in and a hint of despair...~what am I going to do now? Well I put my big girl panties on and figured I had to bite the bullet and deal with it. I had to remind myself it's not their fault and I need to figure out the answers to my questions. I looked up where one of them came from and was surprised her school last year was on "that" side of the freeway. Some teachers make comparisons to the different sides of the freeway. Our district has great schools on both sides of the freeway but many times my side of the freeway gets pushed aside or we just have more kids who are economically disadvantaged. I love my hood and barrio! heehee I've been there 13 years and will never teach anywhere else. I know, I know...never say never...but I say never! haha If I leave my lower valley family it will be for another career or ???

Back to my munchkins...when I saw which school she came from I really was puzzled but the great thing was I knew her Kinder teacher! I called the teacher to find out what happened and boy oh boy did I find out A LOT! My second munchkin is actually from our own school but was in another class and I have a lot of background on that little one too. My third munchkin came from a school on my side of the freeway and I left a message for the teacher but never heard back so I will call again Monday to get info. The other 6 new munchkins have to adjust to following a schedule and RULES!! Even some of my old ones have to be reminded about the rules! The old munchkins that were placed back into population are getting close to being put back into isolation row again this year!! On Friday I had to bring out the drill sergeant!! Warnings were flying left and right. They all were given the boot camp speech...~We're in 1st Grade now and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah! I'm sure 2 were listening..haha They stared at me with scared blank looks on their faces and when I finished. ~Do you all understand me? Of course they all answered in their little sheepish voices ~yes ma'am. Two seconds later one of my newbies yelled out ~Hey!...and started laughing really loud! In my head I'm thinking ~what the, what the??!! I felt my head spin around so fast I probably gave myself whip lash! haha ~Is there something funny sir? He answered ~Yeah... you. ~Oh NO you didn't just say that to me!! I was ready to blow a gasket!! ~EXCUSE ME??! What did you just say young man? Did I say something funny? I wasn't sure if I should laugh with him or throw a changla! haha JK His response was HILARIOUS!! ~You're funny teacher you talk a like to talk to us huh? You talk like my other teacher but she hit the don't, you're pretty you called me a man...I'm not a man...funny teacher. I stood there and had to bite my tongue from laughing. Of course I had to keep a serious face and the drill sergeant out and responded back to him ~Did you understand young man what I was telling the class about behavior and 1st Grade? ~umm...yes, but you're funny teacher, I'm still not a man! Heehee! I'm sure the only words he heard from my entire rant were man and blah, blah, blah! haha

The sad thing about these little munchkins being so low is that if they don't make the grade they will fail! Ugh! I can only do so much to help them so mom and dad need to step up their game. I sent home a long letter and check list of what they should have learned in Kinder so they wouldn't struggle in 1st Grade and the eye opener fact that if they don't put in the extra time to work with their munchkins they could possibly fail. We'll see how many reactions I get on Monday about their munchkins. There may also be other issues as to why these munchkins are not retaining any information. Until we pin point those for sure I have a lot of work ahead of me with those babies.

The week was a good week even with the little surprises. Compared to the first week in Kinder...whew! what a difference. No pee'ers or poopers...yet! haha They're so cute too. I play tons of music in the class from different genres. Right now their favorite is Kidz Bop 18! It's so funny to hear these songs from the radio turned into "clean" kid versions! They're cute because they work and sing along to the songs. I crack up listening to them sing Hey Soul Sister, California Gurls, All the Right Moves, Break Your Heart, etc because they know all the words and groove in their little desks! haha I have to record them this coming week....too cute!

Week 2 begins tomorrow and leads into a nice 3 day weekend! Woohoo!!! Yes, I'm looking forward to my break already! haha Anticipating the long weekend will probably make my week drag! This week we're starting HOMEWORK! Yes the dreaded word all parents love to hate! haha! We'll see how that goes and which parents actually sit and work with their baby! Stay tuned for more adventures to come!...


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day Two...Yikes!!!

Yikes! Yikes! Yikes!!!

Don't get me two was another great day in 1st Grade!

When I write YIKES today I'm referring to a "visitor" we had in my classroom this morning! Yikes, yikes, yikes!! First thing this morning! Holy Moly Guacamole!!! To set the scene...Lights are partially on so the munchkins can see the overhead screen, classical music playing softly and I had just finished introducing our morning journal time...the munchkins were writing quietly in their journals and I'm thinking of all the stuff I have to do. I was about to sit at my computer to type parents a letter but decided to check on my new munchkins. As I stood with my back to my door I heard some talking but didn't think anything of it. My classroom is near the office so there is always noise and talking outside my door. This is when I hear my name...this part is all a blur..haha! Or as in the all happened in slow motion! haha! I heard the faint sound of my principal's voice... as I turned around to see what she needed...YIKES!!! The Superintendent was already half way into my room, followed by the district photographer, and the district videographer (is that even a word?)...they guy with the big TV camera! haha I almost squealed when I turned around! haha! Of course I turned on the smile and we hugged! Yes, hugged! haha I think I panicked and hugged him! haha! It's not the first time I've been around him, I served on a committee with him so I do know him and he knows me but I think I was caught off guard so I hugged him! haha! I hug everyone! haha I don't remember what he told me but then he looked at the munchkins working and did comment on them writing and such a good job! Whew!!! Who knows if the video guy was taking video when they came in and caught me hugging him because that was a blur! haha! The photographer took a few pictures of my little munchkins then they all left! Holy Moly Guacamole!!! Some of my old munchkins remembered who he was but not his name. When one of the new munchkins asked ~Who was that? I heard a little one say ~The boss of ALL bosses! Haha! Thank goodness they were soooo good!

I got two more new students and so far they're little great munchkins. One cried when we were taking a restroom break. I couldn't understand why it hit her all of a sudden. She walked into the classroom like a little pro an hour earlier! As I stood there trying to calm her down...she got louder and louder! Yes I almost started to panic! ~It's ok. Ya, ya, ya... Why the Spanish came out? You got me! haha! It just sounded so much more soothing than ~It's ok. hush, hush, HUSH! heehee I sent the poor little thing to drink some water so she could relax and calm herself and that's when a lady came up behind me and asked if the little girl was giving me a hard time. ~Hmmm...and you are? I thought to myself. She then informed me she was mom and had been standing at the end of the hallway waving to her as she finished registering her. ~Well no wonder she started crying!!! UGH! Back in the class it took the little one almost an hour to stop! She finally stopped when I told her I'd let her cry for 1 more minute then if it didn't stop she wouldn't get her "Great Day" sticker at the end of the day. Instantly she stopped!!! Now why didn't I think of that an hour ago! haha

Other than my surprise visit and my poor little crier, the day was great! Yay day two!! Love looping! Sorry this is a short post...once we fall into a groove I'm sure the blogs will lengthen. Stay tuned for more adventures!...

Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day Back!!! Love Looping!!!

Love, love, love looping up with my munchkins!!! Did I say how much I loved looping up! Woohoo!!! What a great first day back!!!! Hope I didn't just jinx myself!!! heehee

For those who have followed since last munchkins and myself moved up to 1st Grade! We're in the same classroom and have a few furniture items that are different. Our administration bought us some new items. It's always fun to get new things especially if I didn't have to fork out money! I told myself I was NOT going to spend so much money in my classroom anymore!!! Let's see if I can hold true to that!

Ok, back to looping... What a wonderful thing it is to loop with the same munchkins! LOVE it!!! Like everything else there are a few drawbacks to take your problem munchkins with you...well, not everyone does but I do. I can't "trade" them off! Even with their problems their still my babies! The great thing is...they know how to do things!!! I don't have to teach them how to hold a crayon or how to stand in line or how to raise their hand! Yay!!! Woohoo!! It's like we picked up where we left off! They know me and I know them! They know what I expect and did I say they can do things!!! I dare anyone to teach Kinder! haha Kindergarten is still my favorite grade to teach and I think it's the hardest one ever!!! If you can teach Kinder well, you can teach ANY grade well! It's not just playing in Kinder anymore. The sad thing about Kinder teachers is that ~WE NEED A STIPEND!!! Coaches get extra pay, bilingual gets extra pay but Kinder...nada!!! Enough on my Kinder soap box!

This year was the first looping year that not all of my munchkins returned. My top notch ones went to other districts or moved! ~BOO!! I am very excited to have the ones who did return back in the classroom. Little blue shoes is back and so is my "favorite." ~shhhhh...I know I'm not supposed to have favorites but I couldn't help it last year! He did sooooo well and made such great strides! I did decide that this year he won't be my favorite because he's really blended in well with everyone and doesn't need that extra TLC. I do have 8 new munchkins that came from other schools. Three of them came from the same private school! What a coinkidink! ~hmmm....did they all move into the valley? I'll start to be nosy soon...heehee The new parents that I've met are GREAT! Super super supportive already! They're actually more so than my original parents!

Out of the 8 new munchkins I can tell two or three of them will be my works in progress for the year. One surprised me when I saw his drawing...Yikes!!! Holy Moly Guacamole!! It was a martian drawing!!! ~Ahhhh!!! Big circle head, one circle eye, sticks as arms and it was all blue!! I asked him to add "more details" to his art work and he added more blue! Haha! Guess he likes the color blue! He'll be the next Picasso or Monet when I'm done with him! haha

They're all really cute munchkins and they've grown sooooo much over the summer! A fellow teacher made a cute comment that since I'm tall my munchkins have "grown" to my expectations and they're tall too! haha I guess they're like certain fish...put them in a small tank they stay small. Put them in a large tank and they grooooooooow. I guess I'm the tank! haha Wait...did I just insult myself?! haha

My problem munchkins were back and I decided to put them back into the population this year and I didn't separate them into isolation! Yes, I ran a Kinder prison last year...heehee Just Kidding! I wiped their slates clean and put them on parole and put them together with the others. I'm praying I don't have to revoke their parole and put them back in isolation! heehee My Little Blue Shoe boy from last year, who could not for all the Oreo's in the world, control his talking and ADHD had a super fantastic quiet day!! Yay!!! ~Nope he's not on medication for his ADHD. He did really great! Probably because one of the newbies looks like he may be taking over that "problem" role. Maybe, maybe not? We'll see. Again, I hope I'm not jinxing myself with my pure joy from today! It was the first day of class and most of them may still have been asleep or scared! haha ~Knock on wood!
~Psst...can you keep a secret???.....We really, really, really, had a good day! Loved it! I missed my babies too!

We'll see what kind of week/year we have in store for us on our new journey in Munchkinville! Stay tuned for more adventures...


Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Welcome back to a brand new school year!! If you followed us last year, we were in Kinder and we looped up this year to 1st Grade! If you didn't follow us feel free to start from day one to get to know my little munchkins and their adventures.

This blog will follow us, which many of you already do, through a new adventure. This year it's a year of looping adventures. Looping is when we move with our same munchkins from one grade level to the next. A bunch of us do it at our school. I had these babies in Kinder and now we're 1st Graders!!!

I do this blog for my own sanity and don't care about spelling errors, punctuation or if I make sense! haha So if you'd like to continue with us into our 1st Grade journey...sit back, relax, grab a snack as we travel through another year. You may laugh with us or cry with us!

Today was the first day of inservice for me. I wasn't quite ready for it! I know, I know... after 6 weeks off I should be ready. ~Nope! I did have a little anxiety. That anxiety this morning turned into some red little spots...hmmm...mosquito bites from the night before? ~Wait, the spots turned into larger welts then those welts started to looked like parts of a map...they were spreading on my hands and legs! ~AHHHHHH!!! Hives!!! Crap!!! From zero to 60 seconds I was on the verge of looking like a freak!!! Benadryl to the rescue!! .....eek! Wait!!! If I take Bendadryl won't I get drowsy and fall asleep during the inservice?? Yes, possibly. Hmmmm....might not be a bad idea! heehee Well, I found "non drowsy" and took that! Whew! It doesn't kick in right away but it helped. I haven't broken out in hives because of nerves or anxiety in such a long time...can't really remember the last time. Why would I have anxiety or be nervous about going back to work??? I still don't have an answer to that question. I don't feel that anxious, most of these munchkins are mine from last year so...??? Who knows why? I'm already anticipating the hives tomorrow too which is not a very positive way to think. I jinxed myself because I'm starting to get itchy as I type. You're probably scratching now too! haha

The morning started off great! Seeing everyone was nice but it felt like it was just last week we ended the year. Our administration had a wonderful outdoor breakfast for us. Yes, mosquito's and all! haha What did I care, I had the hives! A few mosquito bites would just blend in with my lovely hives. heehee We had yummy menudo, fruit, bagels, and pan dulce! Yummers! I could only do the menudo though. Yummy!

After breakfast I was told by our clerk I started only with 11 munchkins for the year...yikes!!! Today I now had 17! Whew! So much for looping when half my class moved!! There are benefits and drawbacks in looping like in anything we do. It's a plus to loop when you have your entire class. You literally pick up where you left off, you know exactly where each child is, and they know the class routine. Now that half my class is new I feel like I have to bring out the mini boot camp drill! I was told we got a bunch from another school because they were behavior problems. ~Great! Ship them down to us! That's ok, the other kids will help me whip them into shape! I'm not quite sure who is returning and who is not. I'm crossing my fingers for my favorite characters of this blog to return! heehee I should know on paper by Thursday but not until Monday will I be for sure who returns when I see their little bodies walk through that door. I'm actually excited to see my little babies!! They should be taller and some toothless! heehee

The first day is so hard but we were eased into things and covered the do's and don'ts of our handbook. It's so sad that we have to be reminded that we can't date students and if you do you have to wait until they are 21! Come On!!! I know there are some sickos out there but who thinks about dating their student's or any student!!! I don't care how old they look or act they're kids! Eeek! But then again there may be that one sicko teacher! ~Creepy!!

We had lunch on our own which was such a treat!! A teachers lunch period is usually 30 minutes, minus time walking your munchkins, making sure they have their tray and sit down so that 30 minutes usually turns into 15 min if we don't start out early. During our inservices we do look forward to lunch on our own because we can eat like adults! No slurping or swallowing food in 2 bites...well some of us still do those things due to hard habits to break..haha! Ok maybe we slow down just a little when we're around other adults or in public places! heehee

The afternoon was spent at our area feeder High School. We were to meet in the gym and boy oh boy was it HOT in there!!! We sat on wooden benches squished with sooooooo many teachers in there that it was miserable!!! I still have a headache!!! They had a guest speaker which no one could hear because the sound system was horrible! We sat and melted in this high school gym as someone spoke and we caught every other word of her presentation. Ugh!!! Everyone was fanning themselves and the presenter felt our pain and stopped and told those in the nose bleed section of the gym to move down to the floor where it may be cooler! How sad! Then we were sent off to a "breakout session" which was just splitting everyone up and sending us off to classrooms to go over what the presenter was talking about. ~Oh so that's what she was saying!!! The headache got worse but the classroom was nice and cold, a little snack, and WATER!! In the gym I felt like I was starting to see a mirage or maybe I was just daydreaming?! heehee

Tomorrow we ALL, the entire district, meet at the Don Haskins Center for our hoopla! We always wear matching school tops and this year for some reason we're doing Nike football jersey's. The colors of the jersey match our feeder pattern colors which are navy blue, white and a little silver. It's actually a cute jersey with a #1 on the front and our school name on the back...but....I know what some of you are thinking when I mention the jersey...ugh! Cowboy colors!! Ugh!! Some teachers were so proud because it matched their Cowboy jersey's...ugh!! No I'm not a Cowboy fan!!!! Skins for me!!! I had to snap them into reality and remind them it didn't have a star or anything Cowboy on it!!! haha Ok, so I was consoling myself that it was NOT a Cowboy jersey I was wearing! Heehee We actually look cute when we tried them on!... Yes you boys out there are saying jersey's aren't supposed to be cute!! Well we did look cute, just missing the shoulder pads! haha

Tomorrow will be an adventure getting the entire district together and let's see who they bring in to be our guest speaker! I'm taking my own water this time! heehee Stay tuned for more adventures!
End of the Year!

I never closed out our Kinder Munchkinville blog at the end of the year because it was a crazy, crazy May! From practicing for our talent show, Kinder graduation, testing, and packing up the classroom...I'm surprised I made with my head still in tact! It was definitely an adventure to say the least! Join me in our looping adventure into 1st Grade!!