Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Ho, hum...

It's been almost exactly a month since I last blogged about Munchkinville. I've sat down to write but then shut it down on more than one occasion. The excitement that I started out the year with totally has fizzled. My last blog was the last straw that broke this camel's back! For whatever reason I allowed it to really bring me down about a lot of things in this career.

The classroom dynamics is ...how can I describe it...blech! So many good and not so good things have happened within the last month. The bullying problem is UNBELIEVABLE and they're only 6 and 7 years old!!!! I know it's my responsibility to change those dynamics in the classroom but after awhile...ugh! Mr. Eyeball Roller is going to drive me to quit any day now! Within the month of my blogging absence, he's been suspended for fighting in PE, mom came to complain about me, spends days in lunch detention for behavior issues, and recently bullied a new student, which means 5 more days of detention. I know as a teacher I have a right to get him out of my classroom. ~Yes, folks there is an actual Texas Educational code...it's Code Chapter 37 Sec. 37.002. Removal by Teacher... http://www.statutes.legis.state.tx.us/Docs/ED/htm/ED.37.htm
This allows a teacher to remove a student from their classroom permanently. They must have documented evidence to show a student fits under certain criteria and that child must be then removed and placed somewhere else. I haven't pulled out that trump card yet because I know it's not all his fault and underneath all the crap he pulls and does...I like him! Yes, I said crap...haha These are the times I wish I wasn't so nice because HE IS DRIVING ME CRAZY!! Don't get me wrong I'm mean when I have to be but keep giving or hoping Mr. Eye Roller will change! What happened to swats in school??!! ~I know with one good one he'd be an angel! haha ~Who am I kidding! As I mentioned in another post he is SO his mother's child and that's the biggest problem. Our school was warned by his previous district to watch out for her and boy did I get a good one this past month! I mentioned he was suspended for fighting in PE...well, the next day mom comes to complain about me and wants a conference with administration, her son, and myself. ~What?!! I didn't suspend him! I didn't even report the incident. The coach took him into the office and also had had it with him so why was I being targeted? Oh, I know...the coach was already targeted the first month this child arrived! We met with my Assistant Principal and I've got to say she's amazing and has a skill to deal with these parents! That's why she does what she does and I will never aspire to be an administrator! The little wanna be ghetto side in me wanted to crawl over the table and practice some of my new Kung Fu moves on this woman...but instead I sat back and listened to how her son does no wrong. At one point of the conference I had it and just said ~If you are so unhappy with me and having your child in my classroom there are other options, other teachers, and other schools you can take him to! I thought...~Oh crap, (yup said crap again...heehee) my admin is going to say something to me for that...nope, she let me continue to speak and boy did I. Mom cried about her personal issues and her tune changed and did acknowledge that he has learned a lot in my class and she knows I'm a good teacher. For one wee little second I felt sorry for her...but then I slapped myself back into reality...sheesh! look around girlfriend you were called into the principal's office! Ugh! The conference ended with her smiling and thanking me. I was more confused then content! ~Ay the drama! Dislike!!!
I thought after all of that he would be trying to behave better...~I'm still waiting! haha

Enough of that crap! Just loving that word tonight! haha! I've graduated from using the word poopie! haha

Something that helped get over the low was a small speech our Area Associate Superintendent gave us during an inservice we had. It wasn't a speech but more of a pep talk and it was something that I needed to hear right at that moment. The funny thing is... this Area Super is actually a personal friend from high school who was a total rocker back in the day (not sure why I had to out him on that but I just did..haha) what he had to say that day truly struck a cord and his appreciation for us and our valley schools was great to hear. When he was done, I almost held up my rocker hands \m/ \m/ to yell ~Yeah! You rock! haha

I'll skip over a lot of the crap (there's that word again...heehee) just so I won't relive it again and let it be. Teaching has been going on in between the discipline down time even if I feel like all I do is discipline the same ones all day. Within the last 30 days we've done the typical pumpkin activities, Red Ribbon week, had our own Halloween dance in the class since I was out for their real one, and had a visit from a wonderful man Mr. Jose Luis Orozco.

We also covered soil as a natural resource some time back and as a fun closer we brought in earth worms. It was hilarious! I had them close their eyes, to my surprise no one peeked! I placed an earth worm in the middle of each group with some of the soil they came in and once they opened their eyes they squealed! ~The munchkins squealed not the worms! haha ~Ewwwww! It's alive! It's moving! I don't want to touch it! ~Ok that was me saying that! haha J/K...I did have to pretend to be tough and grab the worms so they would place them in their hands. Inside though, I was ready to fling that worm the minute I touched it across the room. ~Stay calm, the kids are watching! ~Eeeeeeee! That was my silent scream as I did it! haha One little girl did not want to come close to it but the meanie that I am made her. ~If I had to hold one of those squirmy creatures, she would too! haha I think we both almost passed out together, but she did it! haha! Little by little they all got braver and braver but you could still see their faces cringe as they held the worm in their hands! I video taped a few that I'll try to post! Funny stuff!

The munchkins are getting stronger in all areas. They love everything, probably because I love it all too! They had their first Student-Led conference and they were amazing! Love Student-Led conferences! Our school has been doing them for awhile now and even our little ones can do them and it's fun to watch! Student-Led conferences are done by the student and the teacher just monitors or in my case...takes pictures! The munchkins are held accountable for explaining to their parents their grades on their report card, showing them their work, explaining their behavior, and teaching their parent something they've learned. It took us about a full day to organize everything and practice, practice, practice. The cutest thing to see is when they pull out a low grade piece of work and see parents faces cringe but when the munchkins explains why they received the grade they did and how they can improve it their parents can't stay mad! Then they pull out their little 100's with pride! The munchkins were so nervous and parents were surprised at how well they took ownership and how well they explained everything! Yay, my little munchkins are growing up! I asked parents to write a positive note to their munchkin about the conference and send it in the following day. I read the notes to the class then placed them on a poster with their picture and their parent. The munchkins loved to hear what their parent wrote and what the other parents wrote. I should clarify... those that showed up...yes, Mr. Eye Roller and his mom were a no show and two others. Boo! Go figure!

So proud of my little munchkins who are getting stronger and stronger. Now it's my turn to prove myself! ~Yup, it's evaluation time! Eeeek! We get evaluated every three years and it's my year! Holy Moly Guacamole!! Crap! Crap! Crap! Ok, I just felt like throwing in some crap..haha!
This Thursday is when I'll be crapping in my pants! heehee Eeew! I've been super nervous for about two weeks and my face shows it!!! Yes, I have what looks like.. the volcano Mauna Loa near my chin! I never had this problem in high school, why as an adult?! ~Oh yeah, STRESS!!! Where's the wine or whine?! haha I may throw up when it's all over and done with!
Stay tuned for our next little adventure...I'm sure it'll be a doozie and not so much CRAP! heehee