Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Lost That Loving Feeling

Time Flies...

It's been 3 months since I last blogged... (why does that sound like the intro to confession? haha) Father forgive me! haha (ok I better stop or lightening may strike! heehee)

Within those three months so much has happened in munchkinville and thought many times to jump up and write about it all...but ~I lost that loving feeling...yup the Righteous Brothers have the perfect song for me and my life in munchkinville! It's been my theme song these last few months.

To think, at the beginning of the year, I was jumping for joy to have moved up from Kinder to 1st with my munchkins but right likey!! I didn't want to blog about the problems and bs I was thrown into, but about the fun we were having while learning. I held off from blogging because I didn't feel any fun was happening!

I allowed a new student and his mother to really, really, really get under my skin and really, really, really, didn't like what I was doing anymore. Yikes! I was always taught ~if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all. Another reason not to blog...I didn't have anything nice to say!

A friend posted this video sometime back about a parent conference and it seemed like it was filmed in my classroom! haha

Today as I finished a box of Thin Mints...~thank you Girl Scouts! heehee I decided I needed to get back into the groove of things and blog to reconnect with myself and figure out why I started this career 13 years ago and why I'm still in it. Is this really for me or am I just going through a funk because of the horrible parent and child who's learned behaviors are just as horrible as his mom's?! I know it's not his fault but man oh man! This child has been suspended 2 or 3 times already and he's only in 1st Grade! Mom blames everyone else on this planet. Her son thinks jail is cool because his uncle just got out and she was in too at one point. He's mentioned he started raising chickens and roosters and I thought ~oh how sweet. what a great experience for him! Duh!!! Dumb teacher! That's not why their raising/buying roosters!!! ~We're going to fight them and win money. ~Fight what mijo? ~The gallos (roosters), if they win I win $200. My eyeballs almost popped out of my head!! Ok, against the law right? Didn't know what to do. Mentioned it to someone and they said we don't have an address. It was the only time he mentioned it but if he does again I'm calling I guess the sheriff dept. ~Ma'am whose your informant? ~um a 7 year old! haha I know I shouldn't joke but sheesh! I hate to admit it but I do like the child and he's very smart but makes the worst choices and mom doesn't discipline at all!

The tear jerker for me in December was my moment of breakdown with this child. I pulled him aside and tried having a heart to heart with him. While talking to him about making good choices, behavior, friends, blah, blah, blah. I asked him ~don't you like your friends here in the class? Thinking he'd say jaw and heart hit the floor when he said ~No! I have other friends! The class had been quiet working and it got even quieter when he said that. I think we were all in shock that he said that. I've never had a student be so cold, no emotions, just out right mean. I didn't know what to say and it took me awhile to say anything. As I looked around the class to find the right things to say, I saw a little girl staring at him with her eyes tearing up. When I asked her what was wrong she said ~I heard that he doesn't like us and that hurts my feelings. Seeing one of my babies want to cry crushed me and yes I'm a cry baby too but I tried real hard not to in front of the munchkins. I almost said ~he hurt my feelings too! She's my itty bitty of the bunch and came over to me for a hug and she started crying. Well, that's when I lost it...yup eyes watered and tears rolled. I tried to laugh it off but it didn't work. The whispering started as they all passed the word that itty bitty and teacher were crying and why. Then it was a ripple effect with questions and comments to this little boy. ~that's not nice to say. ~why would you say that? ~we play with you when you're mean to us. ~we're your friend. Then another little boy started crying but tried hiding it. ~Miss Buddé, Glasses(not real name..haha) is crying! I looked over and he was wiping tears away from under his glasses. ~I just got something in my eye. ~It's ok to cry, don't ever feel that you can't. Why are you crying sweetie? ~Because I thought he was my friend and I play with him and I get in trouble sometimes with him. The munchkins were still quiet and I was afraid it was going to turn into a crying choir but it didn't. I asked this little boy ~how does it feel to see your friends like this? In a cold, noncaring tone ~I don't care, I don't like them. It was the saddest thing to ever see. We had a long but long discussion as a class about our feelings, him, name it. It was Therapy 101. I think it worked ...well, maybe. Fast forward three months, my munchkins still include him if he wants to play with them. He tries to behave and I have to remind myself it's not his fault he behaves the way he does. Did I say I really like him and he's a smart boy but...I allowed this mess to ruin my loving feeling and I'm count down the days for a new year.

Well enough of that...
January was a month of testing these little babies to death but they've grown soooo much! Still a few are struggling but the rest are flying and love seeing them blossom. February started with an adventure of no school for 4 days! Yay! ~yes it was a needed break!! What snow will do to a city...shut it down! haha Our school had water damage and was broken into as well. Such an ugly feeling. Tons of teachers laptops and desktops were stolen. ~A bunch of thugs! Well, it may be students, investigation still going on.

Valentine's Day is Monday so I hope the class gets showered with love in their little hearts and I get that loving feeling back! Bring it on back! Soon! Please!
Stay posted for our next adventure in munchkinville, I know they'll get better!