Monday, August 22, 2011


Back to Blogging...

I was hesitant to blog another year but as you can see I'm doing it again! For those following our Munchkinville antics for the last 3 years...get ready for some more adventures. With the loopy looping I do, I'm back down in Kindergarten this year!! ~Yay!! Those new to our world in Munchkinville you'll be exposed to some adventures that occur in our classroom! Names are changed to protect the innocent ~as well as the teacher! heehee! It's a very informal blog where you'll follow us through our adventures...we'll laugh a lot and cry a lot! Enjoy the journey of another school year with us!

First Day with Munchkins!

Today was the first day in the classroom with all the new little munchkins! I was extremely nervous on the way to work. Once getting to the classroom it hit me! ~Holy Guacamole, what the heck am I doing with these little ones?!! Where are their name tags? Where is my updated class list? Where are my parent packets???...I panicked! It was 7:00am so I still had some time before reporting outside at 7:30 to pick up the babies. I raced around making name tags, found my list, started parent packets, then time flew by and it was time to pick them up. ~Breathe!!! Walking out my door I encountered another surprise...our breakfast coolers!! ~Oh poop!..I have to teach them how to eat breakfast!!! I forgot that part of our day! I wasn't in 1st Grade anymore and had to remember some of these babies come in knowing NOTHING!!! The sweat beads started as we went out to pick up the new babies.

The parents were instructed they were not going to be allowed to walk the babies inside. ~Eek!! I was afraid a riot would start, but it didn't. They're new parents and I think they were all in shock seeing their babies in line on their first day of school. I felt bad for a few minutes for those parents but it worked out extremely well. I had just been talking about this specific topic the night before with a friend. It was like pulling a band aid and quick and it stings for a few seconds. The parents were asked to step back and kids were asked to turn around, say goodbye and wave...then they followed us in like little ducklings in a row!

I have the cutest kids!!!! 16 total and I hope the size stays low. These babies were carrying backpacks that looked bigger then them, stuffed with boxes of tissue and their school supplies. They were so excited to show me what they had inside their backpack. I didn't have any criers this year!!! ...just wait until tomorrow or Wednesday and that's when it usually starts. ~Crossing my fingers and toes it doesn't.

Breakfast was the hardest thing to teach today! ~haha! Why would the cafeteria pick cereal and milk to start with??? Disaster waiting to happen! A simple French toast or burrito would have been easier to show them how to open them and not make a mess. It took me almost 45 to get through breakfast. ~Sheesh! I went step by step how to open a small personalized thingy of cereal. When I was little, individual cereal was in small cardboard boxes, easy to open!!! Now I swear they make individual cereal bowls child proof! If the munchkins pull the top off too fast cereal will be flung at torpedo speed across the room! In order not to have torpedo's flying across the room or at each other I literally had to show them how to hold it "with two hands" and pull the paper covering off SLOWLY. ~Whew! It worked! We had only a few torpedo's but none at full force, a few duds that fell to the floor. Then it was time for the milk. ~Wait! A large handful didn't know how to open their little cartons of milk! Have you ever opened milk on the wrong side of the little arrow?...not easy! Here we go again....~Hold it with two hands and blah, blah, blah. I was already tired and the day barely started! ~Pour only A LITTLE bit of milk so your bowl doesn't overflow. I waited... walked around and watched, waiting for cereal bowls to overflow...~Whew! None! Yay!! Then I hear...~Teacher, she has milk on her table! I didn't want my head to spin and had to remind myself they're new munchkins. ~What happened munchkin? ~Milk keeps coming out when I try to eat. ~Hmmm.... Picking up the little bowl to clean up under it my hand was soaked with milk running down my arm. ~What the, what the?!! There was a hole in the bucket dear Liza, dear Liza! Yes, a hole on the bottom of her cereal bowl. Thank goodness there was one extra. They did really well mastering Cereal Bowl 101!! ;)

I was sent a joke this morning...~Do you know why dogs run in circles?......~Because squares are too hard! Haha I'm easily humored and love to laugh! So I barked at that one! If you know me, you know my "bark!" I think I was the one running in circles today but the day flew by! They're really, really, cute kiddos and very well behaved! ~Well...two need boot camp drills soon, but they'll be fine! heehee Poor babies were tired from the get go. One asked after breakfast ~Is it time to go home? Haha! The first few weeks are always the hardest, showing them how to stand in line, sit in their chair, sit criss cross on the rug, hold a crayon, draw a circle for their faces, raise their hand, walk in a straight line quietly, use the restroom without playing in the stalls, how to carry their tray at lunch, how to dump their tray at lunch, where to play at lunch....blah, blah, blah...the list goes on!

I was pleasantly surprised that a good handful were able to draw themselves with all appendages in their correct locations! I had a few that were Picasso drawings! haha

All in all, it was a great day! No criers, no boogers, no peers, no poopers...but I just might have jinxed myself! ;)

Tomorrow and the next few weeks will be full of more adventures...stay tuned!

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