Thursday, September 10, 2009

Do Penguins Have Teeth????

Do Penguins Have Teeth??? No, they actually don't. Well, my little penguin boy does!!!(if you've read the earlier posts you know who I'm talking about)

During the inservice yesterday my munchkins crossed my mind maybe once. I thought of calling and checking on the sub but I knew she could handle it and my student teacher would also be there in the morning.

Walking into the classroom I kept thinking...they better have behaved!! I warned them!!! As I got to my reading table where I work from, there was the note from the sub...

AHHHHHHHH!!! Three names were on the Did Not Behave list. Darn!!! Now the mean teacher had to come out! Ugh...I don't like her! heehee! My "Jimmy" boy was on the list...oh no! How will he respond and react to me being upset?? One of my girls was on the list...she's actually my little one who just turned 5 the last week of August. Last but not least on the list was my "Penguin Boy."

The classroom was still empty so I sat and read the note in it's entirety. The note was a very positive one for the most part. She enjoyed my munchkins and would actually come back! Whew! It's so hard to find subs who want to sub Kindergarten. Thank goodness! Well, my "Jimmy" boy changed his card to yellow for not listening, not paying attention, and giving her a hard time. My little girl was talking way too much. "Penguin Boy"...want to take a guess??? Nope, not a bathroom thing again...nope, not talking too much...nope, not playing too much. Ready for this??? Well, I wasn't ready to read what she wrote...I blurted out loud...~What??... I read... He bit a girl on the arm!!!! ~Oh no he didn't!!! Did I just miss something?? When did I teach them to bite each other??? Was that when we were learning to stand in line?? Or when we talked about being The Best Kinder Class!! ~Boys and girls please lean over and bite your neighbor! Now, now, you didn't do it just right...a little harder please...good job! AHHHH!! Are you kidding me...he bit someone?! Penguins don't have teeth!!! Why? Why? Why??

The bell rang and I had to figure out how I was going to approach this within the next 30 seconds. I should send him to the office for that one, but I usually like to handle my discipline myself because most of the time sending them to the office doesn't help much. I went to pick up my munchkins and decided I would handle this. I saw mom...I told her about the biting incident and knew he didn't behave but he told her it was because he hit a girl. Hit, bit...not the same thing...good rhyming words but way off!! I told her I would talk to him and the little girl to find out what happened.

Oh, I also forgot that my student teacher had told me the twin little girl I have had a fit in the morning before coming into school. She was screaming, crying, kicking, and threw herself onto the floor!! He mother had to drag and carry her into the classroom and plop her in and leave. She didn't stop crying for over an hour!! Wow!!! I couldn't believe it! She cried a few tears a few times but nothing as dramatic as that. This little one never says a thing!!! Some munchkins can't and won't accept change very well. Yikes!!! Well, as we started walking in then I got to witness it myself!! Whoa mama!!! I tried to go over and help mom calm her down. The sweet talk wasn't working at all. Then I tried to help mom bring her in. It was like I was trying to rope a calf...she was twitching and flopping everywhere! I would have lost the roping competition! I thought of hog tying, but nope that wouldn't have worked either! Haha!! I was about to scoop her up and drag her in but I decided...heck no! No bruises for me thank you!! Mom grabbed her and right at the entrance to the hallway the counselor made her stand...who knows how she did it...Child Whisper maybe??? Nah, she has a very loud and raspy voice so that probably scared her. haha!! She looked for me and clung to my arm...~Oh yeah, now you want to come to me...I wanted to say, but she did and she stopped crying once we were in the classroom. Whew!!!

That was a brief 2 minute distraction before I decided on the lecture I was about to give...eek. Instead of going crazy wild. In a low, clam, tone I did the ~I'm so disappointed, My feelings are hurt, We're Not the Best Kinder Class speech. A pin could drop! I thanked those who behaved and told them to kiss their heart for caring and behaving. I looked over at "Jimmy" and knew he might be crying because of the last time I was upset with the class. This time he knew he got a yellow card and had his head down and looked up at me with teary eyes. I wanted to melt but I had to stick to it. He is just like the others and needs to follow the rules too.

The day before I had spoken to the class about behaving and if I received any names they would have lunch detention. I also sent this home with parents so they would be aware. I reminded my three offenders that they would be having lunch detention and they nodded their heads...they knew. I spoke to my Penguin Boy and the little girl he bit separately to find out what happened. I asked the girl first then got his side. She said they were in line for lunch and he was bugging her and she told him to stop then he bit her and pointed to her upper arm. Then I asked him what happened and he said he bit her on accident. ~Oh whoops, I accidently got my mouth and teeth around your arm! I probably would have believed ~I was hungry! Ay!!!

I normally don't like to reward munchkins for behaving because I think they should behave without getting a prize. I give out a lot of verbal praise but since this is a new group of munchkins...yes, I'll be rewarding all the ones who behaved with a treat tomorrow. Hopefully this may entice the others to try harder next time. A bribe maybe??? Well if it works...great! If it doesn''ll be hearing more about my offenders!!!

Just as soon as I gave my speech, later that morning cards changed to yellow!! It must be the barometer! Yes, when the weather changes so does the behavior in the class!!!'s pouring outside right now!! Who needs the Weather Doppler when you have Kindergartners! Almost 100% accurate. Today's offenders were two girls and two boys...yes, one was the same little girl from, chat, chat, chat, chat! The boys were... my little Blue Shoe boy and "Penguin Boy!" Can I cry now!!! Whah!!!! He has some type of fascination with playing in the bathroom. Again, he was standing on the urinal and then tried to pull down another boys Choninos! (my word I use for underware) Ugh!!!!

The rest of the day went very well! Maybe because they were in I better behave mode! Haha!! I was able to hand over the rein of part of our Calendar Rug Time over to one of my munchkins and she did very well. Slowly she'll be able to learn the entire routine and take over for me. The others were so excited to follow along with her and asked when would they get to do it? Yay!!

Tomorrow is our September 11th Remembrance ceremony and I'm very proud of my munchkins....we collected $44.00!! Woohoo! We still don't know who the classroom winner is...we'll find out tomorrow morning. Parent's like to compete against each other and it's hilarious, that's how we were able to collect so much in such a short time. As I said once, the community and families at my school aren't rolling in money, but then again who is! My first note to parents about the contest was a general one and a few munchkins brought in their dimes and other coins. I sent out another note thanking and mentioning the munchkin names who brought in money. The next day a few more brought in some spare change and one little girl brought in $5.00....this is when I started naming the munchkin who brought in the most money for the day and the amount they brought in. Well that sparked the fire in some of my parents. I then got it $3.00 here, $4.00 there, each time with a note I sent home with the highest contribution. Yesterday was the all time high of $7.00 from a little girl! Healthy competition works great and it's for a good cause!!! :)

After school I spoke to my Penguins mom and had a long talk with her. It's great to have parents like her. She is very supportive and is working with me and not against me. She did tell me at the beginning of the year that he is very hyper! Bless her heart, she actually felt sorry for me and apologized. She didn't understand how I was still being patient with him. I told her we're all still learning and I didn't want to send him to the office yet because he is very remorseful and a lot of it is still immaturity. I'm strict and very firm but I don't want him to not want to come to school. I think my patience with him is helping her keep her patience and from pulling her hair out or his..haha! I do see characteristics of ADHD but I'm not one to diagnose but I told her if it continues after September then Houston we have a problem!! Tomorrow is another day and hopefully he'll make better choices.

Wow, tomorrow is finally Friday! Yes, it was a short week but it felt pretty long! Maybe I should change the name from Adventure in Munchkinville to Adventures in Penguin Land!! Stay tuned for more to come....

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