Monday, September 14, 2009

What a day!!! Punk'd? Twilight Zone??

What a day indeed!!! Was I punk'd? Was I in the Twilight Zone???

Now to my rant...what a day, what a day, what a day!!!

Who created some of these parents??? In order to keep my professionalism I'll keep it brief...
if I can! haha! I really felt like today was an episode of Punk'd or the Twilight Zone. I waited for Ashton Kutcher or Rod Serling to pop out. Ok, maybe the music from Twilight Zone since Rod Serling is not around anymore. Eek creepy! Anywho...I had a call from our office that a parent wanted to see me...~hmmm??? who could it be?? Then she said the parent didn't want to wait for my conference time and would only take 5 minutes. It was "Jimmy Boy's" mom. He was actually absent so I figured she wanted to talk to me about his absence??? Who knows? I told our clerk I was ok with it because my little leader had control of our Calendar Time and I could spare 5 minutes.

Wow...what a bizarre 5 minutes that was!!! Met her in the hallway and the counselor happened to be down the hall near her office. Mom came to turn in his Mini Me project because he was sick. I'll post a couple of my munchkins projects...too cute! Wow, how nice was that of her to come down and drop it off even when he didn't come to school?!...Wait...eeekkk..~scratch sound on a record~...the niceness stops there!

Everything is such a blur....the counselor was closer to us and that's when it got worse. Mom was going off that she didn't like being told what to do and other stuff. While she spoke I think I drifted off to some far, far, away land...because I just looked at her and thought...~HUH?? Where in the bejeebers is this coming from?? Well, she didn't like that the office told her she needed to speak to me during my conference time, that she needed to go through the office, and some other rules all parents need to follow. I told her ~I'm sorry, but yes...we all have to follow those rule. At that time the counselor jumped in and said the same did not like that one bit! After she was rude to the counselor that's when she felt she needed to start on me. I'm not a fighter but for one brief moment...when I was in lala land...I thought of a perfect move from the Kung Fu San Soo's Women's Self Defense Class that I so wanted to use but I didn't...I just let her vent. She was shooting out nails...Yikes!! I can't say I was getting mad...I was more in shock than anything. She went off on the fact that we assign a family project once a month. ~Heaven forbid you sit with your child to work on a fun craft project once a month!!! (By the way...they did it WRONG because they didn't follow instruction..ay!!) Then she went off on Homework...why should she sit and work with him she asked...then she said it..."what do you do with him all day?? Don't you teach him anything? Don't you teach the curriculum?" ~Oh NO You Didn't!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Pow! Kabam!! Smack!! Heighhhh Ya!!! Ok that's just my pretend Kung Fu Panda take down scene in my head...heehee! I kind of giggled when she said that and surprisingly kept my cool. In my professional voice and manner I told her what I needed to say then told her she could make an appointment during my conference time because I needed to get back to my kids and TEACH! She kept on and on, truthfully I stopped listening...lalalala... I couldn't get over the shock that a parent doesn't want to spend time with their own child. He's in Kindergarten not High School!!! (Not that High School parents don't spend time with their kids, just can't think of any other reference..haha) Then the counselor stepped in again and told me I wasted enough of my time and to go ahead and go back to my munchkins and asked mom to follow her. Sheesh!!! Thank God the counselor was there and witnessed it all!!!~insert Twilight Zone music and Rod Serling voice~

Later, the Principal came by but I was working with the kids..wait...what? I actually work with kids...heehee At lunch the Principal told me she went by to check on me...awwww sweet! Probably to see if I was still alive...haha!! I found out mom started a scene in the office and that's why the counselor followed her to my room...and here I thought God sent her...well he did! Then I found out mom cussed out the counselor and as she was escorted out a male companion got out of the car and also cursed at the counselor...YIKES!!! Ashton Kutcher still nowhere in sight to tell us we got Punk'd!!! Well, Central Office was made aware of the situation, and if it happens again, mom will be banned from the school! We'll see what happens tomorrow morning when she drops him off....

On a better note...I do have to say Friday, September 11 was a beautiful day! My munchkins didn't win the Chains of Hope for the school but we did have the most for Kindergarten $49...yay!! The kids were such great sports when they heard they didn't win the pizza party for 1st place. They held their breath to hear if they won 2nd place and the ice cream party...nope. They kept looking at we still have a chance for 3rd and the popcorn party?? Nope, we missed that by $10.00!! Darn...I should have put in my own money, but I didn't think that would be fair..who knows those other teachers probably put in their own money...heehee! Either way the school had a very nice outdoor ceremony and collected a nice amount for the scholarship foundation! Thanks to some great munchkins, parents, and their donations!!

Ready for a better day's Western Day! Yeeeeehaw!!!


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