Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Western Day + 16th of September Day=2 Crazy Days!

Yeeeeeeehawwwww and Ahhhh-hahahahaayyyyy! (ok so I can't do the Mexican Grito)

Monday was the Twilight Zone, Tuesday was Western Day, Today was 16th of September Day...what will tomorrow and Friday be???

After my encounter on Monday...I was ready Tuesday morning for any tongue lashings that mom might have when she dropped of "Jimmy." I felt ready...I was not in lala land...I knew what I would inner Kung Fu Panda moves were ready...the bell rang to pick up the kiddos....~here I go... my boxing theme music was playing as I entered the ring......hmm....bah??? What??? Awww man! Nothing!! "Jimmy" was in line smiling up at me and mom was no where in sight. Has that ever happened to you??? You play out in your mind something you're going to say to someone, feel real chingona (excuse the language) (translation...bad a$$) then you never get the opportunity!!! Darn!! I was soooo ready!! I'm sure it was for the better...I probably really wouldn't have said anything anyways...haha!!

The day was actually fine, no drama, and "Jimmy" was back and feeling better. It's not his fault and the entire situation makes him my little favorite even more!!

The munchkins were allowed to dress up for Western Day...Yeeehaw! I was a bit disappointed only 4 dressed up!! My other group of munchkins and parents always dressed up and did everything!! I guess this group of parents are going to need a lot of pushing to participate in school activities. I was spoiled for 3 years with awesome parents. I'm sure there are some hiding in this group I just need to squeeeeeeeze them for more! heehee! Since it worked with our Chains of Hope I sent home a note thanking and naming those munchkins who dressed up. Will it work?? Will more dress up for 16th of September???

Forgot to showed up Tuesday after school!! Ahhhhh I wasn't prepared in my Kung Fu Panda mode!!! No worries, she was very different and wanted to schedule a meeting for Friday after school. I was fine with that. I saw the counselor inside and I did mention it to her and she'll be sitting in on the meeting. Mom doesn't know that and it may cause some fireworks on Friday when she sees the counselor present. After 12 years teaching, I know better... you always have someone else present, especially after what already happened. I'll have to get into my Zen mode on Friday. My inner Panda will be with me...just in case! heehee!

So...did my munchkins dress up for 16th of September?? I guess my note home thanking my little cowboys and cowgirls who dressed up worked a 9 munchkins dressed up!! 5 more than yesterday!! Two parents also sent in some Mexican cookies and Pan Dulce! Yay!!!! My thank you note today was a lot longer with names of all my Señoritas and Señoritos so hopefully our next activity will have more participation! A little competition is always good!

Today was a little crazy with so many munchkins and teachers dressed up. Being out of uniform does something to the munchkins...they get WILD! haha! It was also our Grandparents Day luncheon! I had to remind them to be on their best behavior....blah, blah, blah! I'm sure that's what they heard me saying or...waah wah wah, wah wah wah waah from Charlie Brown. I don't blame them...I wasn't listening to myself either...haha! Love days like these when we can have loads of fun and still learn. Not only was it a fun day for the munchkins but for teachers too. Wearing our Rosarita dresses was the best thing ever! Total comfort zone!!! I probably could get a side job at a local Mexican restaurant...I have the outfit! haha! Our lounge where we eat was very festive, filled with decorations, and colorful paper flowers. The best part was....Pan Dulce...Mexican sweet bread for those who need translating. heehee! Yummers!!! There were huge boxex of it which was provided by our administrators! Yummy! In class we listened to Mariachi music, talked about why we were celebrating the day, compared the USA and Mexican flags, learned how to make Papel Picado and had some yummy goodies to end the day!

Gotta love my little Señoritas and Señoritos!

Stay tuned for more fun filled adventures...

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