Monday, October 12, 2009

Bawling, Blood, Boogers, and Barf...Oh My!!!

Yes, we hit all last week in Munchkinville~Bawling, Blood, Boogers, and Barf!!

I told myself I would blog on Sunday...hmmm...well, today is Monday and I'm off for Columbus Day. Yay! A day off! Which also means a short week when we get back! Double Yay!!! Do teachers enjoy their time off??? Oh yes we do! Any little time off helps! In the classroom with little munchkins for 7 hours a day, 5 days a week, deserves every hour of free time we can get!

Our week started out very nice and calm. The munchkins are doing great and moving along quite well. We started our "testing" window and boy did I forget how long it takes to administer the Kinder assessment. Drag!! The assessment checks their knowledge of rhyming words, letter names, letter sounds, initial and final sounds, story comprehension, blah, blah, blah, blah! I'm still not finished assessing because I have until the 16th and so in my mind that means ~Take your time, you have plenty of days left. Haha!! In reality I'll probably be scrambling to finish.

Our blood episode was our first for the year. You would think the way some of the kids reacted we had a scene from CSI happening in the classroom. These are the cute and funny moments for me because I forget they're itty bitty and to them it is a CSI episode!! The munchkins were sitting on the rug during their morning routine and then I hear a loud gasp and a child yells ~Ahhhh, she's bleeding! I looked and sure enough it was a little bloody nose...heehee I wish I had my camera ready to take the little girl's picture! She froze! Just her little eyeballs moved around but her body just froze still...haha! Poor thing! I didn't want to tell her to lean her head back because I remember when I was little you taste the blood in the back of your throat! Yuck!! One of the other munchkins raced to get her a tissue as I wrote her a nurses pass. She was on her way to the nurse and the dialogue was hilarious between the other munchkins. ~Wow, that was a lot of blood! ~She was picking her nose, huh? ~Did she lick it? ~My brother punched me once and my nose was bloody! I let them rant for a few minutes because I got a kick out of their conversation with one another then it started getting out of hand. ~Ok, enough already, it was just a bloody nose. I'm sure after I said that some were probably thinking ~what do you mean JUST a bloody nose!

From blood to little "blue shoed" boy (the fisherman from previous for boogers that is) was at it again. He's been suffering from bad allergies and sneezing a lot. Well, how do I say this without grossing anyone out...hmmm...sorry don't know how to sugar coat it...just stop eating now if you're eating anything and if you're easily grossed out! haha EVERY TIME he sneezes...he sneezes out a full load of boogers that hang down to his chin!!! To top it off, he gets up and walks across the room to get a tissue and we're all watching like deer in head lights! YUCK!!! Why don't we turn away...I don't know!! I'm not easily grossed out but after the first couple of times it gets gross!!! Each and every time I tell him to cover up but he doesn't cover up! The boy who likes to fish for boogers at other times doesn't want to touch his own SNOT!!! Come on now! Well this time I was bad...I said ~YUCK! Cover your face! No one wants to see boogers hanging down your face and bouncing around as you walk! After I heard myself I had to laugh out loud and the other munchkins looked at me and started to laugh. Haha!! Even my little "blue shoe fisherman" laughed. Yucky!!!

Barf time!...If you grossed out at the booger story you may want to skip this part! haha
Well, Thursday was our first day having breakfast in the classroom. Our school was probably one of the last schools to implement it. I was a bit hesitant when I heard we were feeding all the kids in our classroom every day. I worried about the ants or the mice coming to visit and pull up for a snack! So far so good! ~Knock on wood! The cafeteria staff leaves two little nifty ice chests in front of our class and we wheel them in ready to go when the bell rings. We pick up the munchkins at the normal time 7:40 and once they settle I call them by their groups to come get their breakfast. They're pretty good and finish at 8:00. On that first day they had what looked liked a sealed Egg McMuffin. It was actually nice and warm and not too bad. ~Yes...I had one too. heehee! I'm not a breakfast person but it was ok. They throw one in for the teacher's and student teachers too. Most of the kids seemed to like it plus their milk and juice. I say most because that's when I hear ~My tummy hurts... It was a little girl who went home the day before from what I thought were bad allergies. As she entered the class I asked if she felt better and said mom gave her allergy medicine. all happened in slow motion. Things like this always seem to happen in s-l-ooooowwww motion! Somewhat like the scenes from the Matrix. Normally, I would brush it off and say ~You'll be fine or Go to the restroom. This time as I heard and looked over to her when she said ~My tummy hurts... I saw her mouth go closed, her lips turned white, the tummy starts to heave, the checks start to balloon out, then I knew she was ready to BLOW! ~Holy Moly guacamole! Where's the DARN trash can!!! I remember saying...~ooooo wait, wait, wait! as I scurried for that darn trash can! Just at the right moment (the slow motion moment of course) I grabbed the trashcan and turned around and saw the mass come up and out. I must have been Inspector Gadget or Stretch Armstrong because it seemed my arms reached from one end of the room to the other just in time to catch most of it. Yes, most of it...some of it landed on her backpack. It missed the little girl behind her by a few inches. The good thing about it was (not that there is anything good about barf but..) it was oatmeal consistency. Again, we all stare like deer in headlights and I remember hearing ~ewwww! The last thing I need is the domino effect and others begin to hurl! ~Look away! She's fine! I asked my student teacher to stay with the class as I walked her to the nurse, trash can and all. So much for breakfast! To make things I was walking her to the nurse...coming my way were about 6 people from Central Office who were there to oversee that our first day with breakfast went smoothly. ~Oh great!! I can't run and hide! Crap!! Just smile! Smile I did as they passed us and said ~Good morning! Our first casualty! ~smile, smile~ They just smiled and laughed. Whew!! All in all, breakfast has been running smoothly.

Bawling...this time it was me who wanted to bawl! I got the flu shot at school and man-o-man did it hurt. I never was and can now see that I'm not a leader but a follower. Well for being a follower that's what I get. I happened to be in the hallway when our counselor rushed by and said ~Come on! Get your flu shot! ~No way! I don't like needles and I don't want to get sick! Next thing I knew I was in line signing my life away! The entire moment was a blur! I stressed my self out! OUCH!! Before I got it I told my kids to listen if they heard me scream...heehee! After my shot my little ones were so concerned if I was ok. I didn't lie to them and said it hurt but I was fine. I wanted to cry! haha My arm was sore for 3 days and I couldn't sleep on it the first night. I know my doctor friends out there are probably saying ~You Wimp! Yes I am! haha!

I wasn't the only one who wanted to bawl, well actually, earlier in the week I had a little girl who started bawling first thing in the morning. She walked in right as the tardy bell went off and you could tell she was rushing to make it in. She stood there, took a breath like saying ~phew, I made it in! Then she looked at me and started bawling as she said ~My mommy got mad at me. Awww....she's my baby baby. She's probably my smallest girl and still sounds like she talks baby talk. She came with her little arms out at me and hugged her as she cried and cried. I asked her what happened and what I could understand was that mom told her to run and she didn't want too! Awww...bless her little heart. This moment and listening to her opened my eyes again... this is for many of them a safe haven to come to. I've always told my munchkins that they can feel safe here and come to me for anything. I haven't given this new set of munchkins that speech yet but I'm glad she came and felt safe enough to let it out.

Do I have a safe haven to run to...To cry when things go bad or when I feel I may not be reaching every child the way I need to? Maybe it's this blog that's turned into my haven or the bottle of wine! haha J/K I have to remember to give myself that ME time and to separate myself. It's my job and I love my munchkins and the growth they make with my guidance but it's not my life. Is that bad to say, feel or think? I can only do so much...but I wish I could save each munchkin that crosses my path, but I can't.
Stay tuned for more in'll be a three day week this week..Woohoo!!

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