Monday, October 26, 2009

Pumpkins, Pumpkins, and Pumpkins

Last week our main adventure was a field trip to the Mesilla Valley Maze and Pumpkin Patch! Yay! Woohoo! (jumping up and down) Yippie!!!

We had so much fun!!! If you have never been to a maze or pumpkin patch it should be a must!! Mesilla Valley has the best one, I think! Not only did the munchkins have fun, each teacher did as well.

This was the first trip on a school bus for many of them and probably the first trip outside of their own neighborhood. It was an hour ride and no potty accidents! Whew!!! They were so good and had fun looking around as we drove through El Paso to Las Cruces, NM.

We had a little drama when we loaded the buses in the morning with our sack lunches and milk. Let's just say some, janitor isn't much of a gentleman. Sheesh! I think chivalry is dead!! I won't get into the details because I may throw in some colorful language that may get your eyeballs to pop out! haha! Let's just say, I wanted to bop him one!

Back to the happy times!....

The munchkins took a hay ride to the pumpkin patch and got to pick out their own pumpkin. They had so much fun and there were so many in the huge field! We had talked about how pumpkins grow and read them a couple of books with pictures, but for them to get the actual experience was amazing. It was cute to hear them use the vocabulary they had learned in class. They scurried like little field mice as they searched for their perfect pumpkins. They would see one, grab it, look at it, then move on to the next one. Once they found "the one" they knew! Guess that's like the perfect man! haha Pick a few and throw some back..haha! Yes, that's a whole other blog! heehee

The pumpkin vines are pretty tough and some munchkins had a hard time pulling off their pumpkins. Once one or two got the twisting action down right, they went around helping the others. We wrote names on the bottom of their pumpkins so they knew which one was theirs at the end of the day. The stem was pretty prickly and I was just like the munchkins searching for my "perfect" pumpkin and pricked myself a couple of times...ouch!

It was a beautiful day to top it off! After the hayride we sat to eat lunch and time was flying! It's true time flies when you're having fun! Boy were we having fun!!! Decisions, we do the corn maze or the huge slides??? We had about an hour left because it would take us another hour to get back to school. If we get lost in the maze who knows how long it will take us to get out and if a search party would need to be sent in after us. Hmmm??? If we just slide then we don't get the experience of walking in a corn maze!! ~ Ok decision made!...we're going into the maze...eek! I had to remember a few things...DO NOT lose a child was #1...haha! ~Keep counting, 17 students, 17 students! Then I had to attention! If I don't, we'll be going forever in circles. ~Should I leave bread crumbs like Hansel and Gretel?? No wait, one of the munchkins might eat them!! In we go!!!! ~Wow, look how tall Ms. Buddé! Taller than you! Are we going to remember how to get out Ms. Buddé....I hope so!!! As we walked a bit into the maze the turns started to creep up on us...right or left??? ~Wait...there's a sign! Mini Maze??!! It was a poem and clues to follow in order to get out... a shorter way out for the little munchkins. ~Yay! Whew! Thank goodness because I was beginning to get worried! It was the cutest poem about bees and there were 10 clues to help us out! Guess it was my Hansel and Gretel way out! ~Woohoo...we made it out!!

Now it was time for the slides!!! Wheeeeeeeeeeee! There were about 5 HUGE slides that they were excited to get on. Some of their little faces just looked up at them with a little hesitation but I had them grab their potato sack and run up the hill before they thought about it too much! After the first time down the slide they LOVED it and kept going back. That was the best part of the trip for me to watch...they were laughing so much it was adorable. Of course I had to go down the slide myself...heehee! As myself and my other partner in crime waited at the top for our turn...all our kids were at the bottom chanting our names...Ms. Buddé, Ms. Buddé, Ms. Cabral, Ms. Cabral! Little munchkins from other schools kept cutting in front of us...~Hey! It's MY turn...I wanted to say...heehee! Finally....Wheeeeeeeeeeee! SPLAT! Ms. Cabral crashed into me...haha! The kids loved to see us make fools out of ourselves and so did we!

It was time to load the bus...wait!...potty break before another hour ride back! On the bus some of them fell asleep...funniest thing ever! Poor things slept or squished each other or against the windows...but they were quiet! Shhhh!!!!!! Ahhhhh...nice!

What a wonderful experience they got and I was lucky to share it with them! What a fun day we had!

This week is a short week...tomorrow is their costume dress up day, Wednesday is pajama day and half day early release, Thursday and Friday the kids are off but we have teacher inservices...ugh!
Stay tuned for more....

1 comment:

  1. Oh how neat!!!! I have always wanted to do a maze like that! (Makes me think of The Shining!) Good thing they had clues for you. I have such a terrible sense of direction, I know I would get lost in such a thing.

    Good thing you didn't lose any munchkins! :)
