Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Day 2 in Munchkinville...Relief!

Day 2 was very calm...thank goodness! But, where do I get new feet! Ouch!

Parents were very good about leaving their munchkins at their designated lines. No criers!!! Yay!
I still can't get over how tiny they are and so darn cute!!! I slowly started a basic routine with them which will help in the long run. In my opinion if the discipline doesn't start from day 1...forget it, you've lost them and you'll have problems all year!

I made listening and following instructions into a game. They were thrilled to hear we were going to play a game! If they only knew... I was assessing to see who I may have difficulties with when it comes to listening skills and following instructions. It was fascinating to watch, to say the least! Hmmm...are they like my little mice in an lab? Heehee! In a way they are, bless their little hearts because they are so innocent and impressionable at their age. If I tell them the sky is pink they'll believe it! Or that my eyeball bottle has the eyeballs from kids who misbehave. No, I really don't tell them the sky is pink...haha! Ok so I do use the eyeball bottle...haha! No worries, not real eyeballs...just water bottle with gel and googly eyes! Haha! They do think I flattened kids eyes and stuck them in the goop..heehee! I know, I'm bad.

Their little minds are like sponges wanting to learn, it's just finding the right method to teach them that can be frustrating at times. Not all munchkins learn the same way. You have visual learners, auditory, kinesthetic ...etc. so I try to touch all areas using any means possible; music, dance, movement, etc. I always fear I won't be the best teacher I can be or that they won't learn everything they're supposed to. The pressure I put on myself is horrible sometimes. It's true that we are our own worst critic! Well, enough of that for now!

We did so much today and they were very good. Yes, we had some moments but they're learning that boot camp has begun. haha! They were better today because they knew I would be sending discipline cards home today if they misbehaved. One little one was preoccupied at one point and whispered to me "how am I doing today?" Awww....of course I had to reassure him he was having a GREAT day and would keep his green card. (No, not crossing papers but a green itty bitty card they think is worth gold!...heehee)

We did our calendar routine, we sang and danced the months of the year and the days of the week! Woohoo! They loved the months of the year to the movements of the macarena! haha! If you remember how the macarena goes try it...it works! You know you want to try it! Haha Our days of the week are sung to the tune of the Adams Family and it's cute to watch because most of them can't snap yet so they use their mouth/tongue to make the snapping sound. "Days of the week..snap snap...Days of the week...snap snap...Days of the week, days of the week, days of the week..snap snap...there's Sunday and there's Monday, Tuesday and there's Wednesday, Thursday and there's Friday, and then there's Saturday...Days of the week..snap snap..." :)

We did a little bit on how to draw a face and details so we don't have anymore alien's in our drawings or stick limbs and fingers...heehee. We also did a little bit on numbers 0-5...we'll be working on this for a while...eek! I forget what they come in knowing or not knowing. We'll also be doing a lot of fine motor skills to help them control the crayon and writing skills. I don't use pencil's at all until later. We only use crayons right now. One reason is they'll want to erase everything and it's a mess! Also I want them to learn it's ok to make a mistake and not worrying about erasing everything and keep going. The crayons make even the smallest scribble look nice and colorful!

I had the best compliment today from one of my munchkins which started a chain reaction...one of my itty bitty boys said..."you know what? I like this class!" I told him "well I like that you're in this class and this class likes you too!!" Then of course they all started saying they liked being there! Awww....whew! Thank goodness!!! Guess being strict and a balance of fun keeps them coming back, I hope!

I'm still crossing my fingers and praying that my class size stays small and behavior problems to a minimum. I did get a new little girl today but she's wonderful and a beautiful little thing. I'm lucky so far with my little pingos, Spanish for behavior kids. Some of the stories I could tell you about some of the other kids in the Kinder classes...eek! Parent's need to start disciplining their children, have consequences, and be consistent...ok enough or I'll get started on a soap box.

I told my kids we had a secret...shhh...get a little closer to hear....don't tell anyone... ready?...you're still to far...get closer...listen.. ~whispering...Guess what?... I was told I have the Best Kinder class ever and they gave me the best kids!
Their little eyes lit up and you can see them beaming! Love it!

Hoping for a good rest of the week...stay tuned.

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