Sunday, August 23, 2009

Final Days before Munchkinville begins...

Final days before Munchkinville...

Friday was a LONG and exhausting day. It was our work day which just meant we had all day to work in our classroom and we had our outdoor Jamboree in the evening. Whew! I was pooped! By the way...the ants are back!!! They are everywhere in the school!!!!

I got to school very was 6:30...eek! This time I was being an eager beaver but this eager beaver should have checked to see what time the janitor was opening the gates!! Now what do I do they weren't open yet??!! I took a cruise, yes I was cruisin' around my little valley area. I would have gone to Starbucks but there isn't one close enough or on our side of the freeway! Hmmm....why is that??? Lower valley people drink coffee and tea!! Don't they??

School was finally open and I got to work in my room. I finished up some last minute things but kept finding other areas to clean out or organize and this was getting me frustrated. Why was I finding areas instead of just leaving them alone and start my planning??! I think I procrastinated so I could keep myself from facing the reality of being back in Kindergarten.

We went to Applebee's for our last meal! haha Our last adult lunch that is! After this we're back to inhaling our lunch. As we sat relaxing we talked about how exhausted we were and couldn't understand why. Then it hit us...Kindergarten!!! It's not as easy as some may think or assume. We don't just sing and play all day!! Put 'em up....those are fighting words to any Kinder teacher!! Heehee! :) As we ate we discussed how easy it was to start the beginning of school when we looped up to 1st and 2nd. It was great! The kids make such an easy transition when we loop. They walk in and we can start working on day one. They know us and our routine so it's smooth sailing. Teaching Kindergarten on the other hand is an Art!! I believe if you've ever taught Kinder you can teach ANY grade! We get into the mind frame that our munchkins come in with a blank slate. None the less, there are some who come in with the knowledge of what letters are, how to write their name, let alone HOLD A CRAYON/PENCIL!! If I get one or two who know these things and more, I'll be in heaven. For now I have to think BLANK so I can be pleasantly surprised when they know more.

My student teacher was there early for a few hours to help me with some of the little things and she helped me get back into the mind frame of Kindergarten. She was very curious and asked a lot of questions which helped me tremendously. She asked "so what do you do on the first day?" Hmmm....wait...I know...ummmm....well...ummm...wait...I know this one...yikes! I was BLANK!! Haha! Then I started ranting trying to sound like I knew what I was talking about! I laughed and told her that this was helping me refresh my memory. As it all came back to me that's when I started to panic. Did I make the right move? Should I have gone to 3rd Grade with my babies or will I be ok in Kindergarten?? I guess I'll find out on Monday!

My first day will consist of praying there is no crying! From me that is!! haha We will be learning/doing:
  • how to sit criss cross applesauce and keep our hands and feet to ourselves on the rug
  • what a line is and how to stand in our own little square when we learn how to line up
  • taking a tour around the school to learn where everything is
  • pretending how to get our trays in the cafeteria so we're ready for lunch
  • taking potty breaks throughout the day so we don't have any accidents!!!
  • learn and practice where to go in case of a fire drill (which we'll have on Tuesday..eek!)
  • learn each others names
  • drawing ourselves (so I can see who can and can't hold a crayon...yikes!)
  • talking about rules
  • Sing and Play!! haha Yes, I said sing and play...I know I said those are fightin' words but I have to reel them in and want them to come back somehow don't I? haha
These are a few of the many things we'll be doing and I really do try to have fun all year long. If it's not fun for them then it's not fun for me!

In the evening we had our Jamboree outside. It was a beautiful evening, not too hot and we had a very big turn out. Parents and students came to meet their teacher while having some fun. We had free cotton candy and hot dogs, the police department had a booth to do fingerprinting on the munchkins, and we had a stage for entertainment. Some of my past munchkins came to say hi and this is when I started questioning again if Kinder was the right move or not. I know I'll have a great time with my new little munchkins, I always do. Our Superintendent and his wife (who was a Kinder teacher...yay!) came out for a couple of hours. I was brave and asked if we could take pictures and he posed with us. Then the pictures never stopped...haha. In one of my earlier posts I mentioned that he fell in love with one of my little munchkins and used her picture in his talks...well, he saw her again...her mom raced over to me because he wanted a picture this time with her! So as her adoptive mom I ran over with my camera and took the picture he wanted. Such a proud moment! :)

Monday will be a very interesting day to say the least. I've been working this weekend on name tags, name cards, name puzzles, name this name that...whah! It's hitting me again...many won't know their own name!!!! I feel the stress monkey sitting back on my shoulders again...UGH!! Stay tuned this coming week to see how many criers I have...I may be one of them!!!

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